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The Perils of Fear Mongering: A Financial Planner's Take on Gold and Bitcoin Promotion Tactics

As a certified financial planner, my primary objective is to help individuals make well-informed decisions about their investments. Gold and Bitcoin have attracted substantial attention in recent years, fueled by the passionate promotion of their respective advocates. In this article, I will discuss some of the fear-based tactics used by gold and Bitcoin promoters, provide guidance on how to approach these assets with a critical mindset, and highlight the potential risks for conservative investors.

The Tactics of Fear and Desperation:

Promoters of gold and Bitcoin often resort to fear-based tactics, such as predicting the downfall of the US government and the collapse of the US dollar, to push their agenda and earn speaking fees. They capitalize on people's anxieties to create an environment where gold and Bitcoin appear as the ultimate safe-haven assets. However, it's crucial to recognize that no one can accurately predict the future, and these fear-based tactics should be approached with skepticism.

The Pitfalls of Derivative Gold Assets and Bitcoin:

When promoters use doomsday scenarios to persuade potential investors, it's important to consider the practical implications of such events. For example, owning a derivative gold asset instead of the physical product would be of little use in a world-ending scenario, as it relies on the financial system to retain its value. Similarly, Bitcoin, a digital asset that relies on reliable electricity and internet access, would face significant challenges in an apocalyptic situation.

Diversification and Risk Tolerance:

Diversification is a crucial aspect of a successful investment strategy, but it's essential to consider your risk tolerance when choosing assets for your portfolio. For conservative investors who prioritize capital preservation and stable returns, allocating a significant portion of their portfolio to highly volatile assets like gold and Bitcoin may not be a wise decision. These assets might be more suitable for risk-tolerant investors who are willing to accept the potential for substantial losses in pursuit of higher gains. In other words, conservative investors should think twice before venturing into the realm of gold and Bitcoin, leaving such investments to those with a gambler's mentality.


As a certified financial planner, my advice is to approach gold and Bitcoin investments with a critical eye, understanding the fear-based tactics used by their promoters, and recognizing the potential risks for conservative investors. Make investment decisions based on thorough research and an assessment of your financial goals and risk tolerance.

It's essential not to let fear-mongering tactics drive your investment decisions. Instead, focus on building a well-diversified portfolio that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. By doing so, you can make informed decisions that protect your financial future and help you navigate the ever-evolving world of investing.

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